Writing a farewell email to coworkers is a final gesture of appreciation and respect, leaving a lasting impression on your colleagues and the company you worked for.

Whether you're moving to a new opportunity, retiring, or simply transitioning to a different role, writing a heartfelt and professional farewell email is crucial.

In this post, we'll delve into why sending a farewell email is important, give tips on how to write a farewell email and give you detailed templates to help you get started.

Why Write a Farewell Email?

Before we dive into the how-to, let's explore why writing a farewell email is essential.

  1. Continue Valuable Relationships: Your coworkers have been integral to your growth and success. A farewell email allows you to maintain these relationships, enriching your professional network as you start a new chapter.
  2. Cement Your Legacy: Your goodbye email will influence how colleagues remember you. By reflecting professionalism and gratitude, you ensure they remember you for the right reasons.
  3. Share Important Information: This email is an opportunity to share reminders of upcoming events, details on who will be taking over your responsibilities, and other necessary information to keep everyone in the loop.
  4. Personal Closure: Writing a farewell email provides a sense of closure, allowing you to appreciate the good times and look forward to what lies ahead with a sense of completion and anticipation.
a woman thinking in front of a board while looking at a chart

Planning Your Farewell Email

Before you start writing, consider the following factors to ensure your email is well-received and impactful.

  1. Timing: Typically, you'll send the email between handing in your two-weeks notice and your final day. Ensure your manager and colleagues are aware of your departure.
  2. Tone and Sentiment: Match the tone and sentiment of your email to the nature of your relationships and the company culture. For example, an informal tone might be suitable for close colleagues, while a professional tone is more appropriate for remote managers.
  3. Subject Line: Choose a subject line that reflects the content of your email and grabs the reader's attention.
  4. Content: Keep your email brief and to the point. Aim for a couple of short paragraphs that convey your key thoughts and feelings.
  5. Proofreading: Ensure your email is professionally written by proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors.
typing on a keyboard

How to Write Farewell Email?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a farewell email that resonates with your recipients.

  1. Reflect on Relationships and Company Culture: Understand the nature of your relationships and the company culture to match the tone and sentiment of your email.
  2. Appreciation and Gratitude: Open your email with a statement of appreciation, expressing gratitude for the experiences, lessons learned, and support received during your tenure.
  3. Key Accomplishments and Memories: Briefly mention some key accomplishments or memorable moments you and your team achieved together.
  4. Future Connections: Let the recipient know if you want to stay connected and share your personal contact information.
  5. Well-Wishes: Conclude your email by extending best wishes for your colleagues and the organization’s future endeavours.
  6. Personal Touch: Add a personal touch by including specific memories or accomplishments that highlight your time at the company.
3d checklist illustration

Farewell Email Templates

Here are some templates to help you write a farewell email to coworkers tailored to different scenarios:

Template 1: General Farewell Email

Subject: Farewell and Best Wishes

Dear [Recipient's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that my time at [Company Name] is coming to an end. My last working day will be [Last Working Day].

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, and it has been a privilege to work with such a talented and dedicated team. I am grateful for the support, collaboration, and friendships I have experienced during my tenure. [Include any specific memories or accomplishments, if desired.]

As I move on to new opportunities, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities and experiences I have gained at [Company Name]. I am confident that the company will continue to thrive and achieve great success.

Please feel free to keep in touch. You can reach me at [Personal Email] or [Phone Number]. I would love to stay connected and hear about your future endeavors.

Thank you once again for everything. Wishing you all the best for the future.

Warm regards,

[Full Name]
[Job Title]
[LinkedIn Profile or other contact information]

Template 2: Professional Farewell Email

Subject: Farewell and Best Wishes

Dear Team,

I hope this email finds you well. As some of you may know, today marks my last day at [Company]. It has been a pleasure working with such a talented and dedicated team over the past [number] years.

Your friendship, support, and participation have meant the world to me, and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. During my stay here, I have developed greatly as a person and as an employee.

I hope that we can stay in touch and that you all continue to achieve great success. You can reach me at [personal email] or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 3: Funny Farewell Email

Subject: See Ya Later, Alligator!

Hey Team,

Guess what? I finally found the escape hatch and am making a run for it Just kidding. Today’s my last day at [Company], and while I’ll miss the endless meetings and office coffee, I’ll miss you all even more.

Thanks for the laughs, the memories, and the occasional questionable life advice. Stay awesome, and don't do anything I wouldn’t do (which isn’t much, let’s be honest).

Catch you on the flip side. Feel free to hit me up at [personal email] or find me on social media.


[Your Name]

Template 4: Heartfelt Farewell Email

Subject: Goodbye and Thank You

Dear Friends,

As I write this email, my heart is full of gratitude and a tinge of sadness. Today is my last day at [Company], and I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the incredible journey we’ve shared.

Your support, kindness, and camaraderie have meant the world to me. I will cherish the memories we’ve made and the friendships we’ve formed.

Thank you for being such an amazing part of my life.

I hope our paths cross again soon. Until then, please stay in touch at [personal email].

With warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Template 5: Farewell Email to a Senior Manager

Subject: Thank You for Everything

Dear [Name],

My last day at [Company] is just around the corner, and before I go, I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your guidance during my time here.

Looking back, I see how much I’ve grown since I first started here, and a big part of that is thanks to your support and the opportunities you’ve given me. The challenges we tackled together pushed me to expand my skills and think differently – and for that, I’m genuinely grateful.

If you’d like to stay connected, feel free to reach me at [Personal Email Address], or let’s catch up on LinkedIn.

Once again, thank you for everything. I wish you continued success and all the best in your future projects.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Template 6: Farewell Email to Clients

Subject: I’ve Got Exciting News

Dear [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to share some exciting news. Starting from [Date], I’ll be joining [New Company] as a [Position].

I couldn’t move on without saying a special thanks to you. Working together has been a highlight for me. We’ve achieved a lot, and I’m genuinely proud of our collaboration.

But rest assured, the first-class service you’re used to at [Company] isn’t going anywhere. [Colleague’s Name] will be taking over from me, and they’re fantastic at what they do, so you’re in great hands!

If possible, I’d love to keep in touch. Feel free to drop me a line at [Personal Email Address] or to catch me on LinkedIn.

Thank you again for your trust and support. Here’s to your continued success and more amazing achievements!

All the best,

[Your Name]

writing on a note in front of laptop

Polishing and Sending Your Farewell Email

After writing your farewell email, it's important to make sure it makes a good impression and gets your point across. To make your email better and send it at the right time, do these things:

Proofreading and Editing

  1. Check for Errors: Take a close look at your email to see if there are any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Use a tool for editing or ask a coworker you trust to look over your email for any mistakes you might have missed.
  2. Be Clear: Make sure that your message is easy to understand. Get rid of any extraneous information or jargon that could make the readers confused. Focus your email on showing appreciation, talking about memories, and talking about your plans for the future.
  3. Keep a Professional Tone: Check your email again to make sure the tone stays professional. Don't say anything bad or controversial that could hurt your reputation at work.

Choosing the Right Time to Send

  1. Consider Timing: Figure out a good time to send your farewell email. Don't send it during busy times or at the end of the day, when people may already be busy. Choose a time when coworkers are likely to be free to read and answer your email.
  2. Working Together with HR: Talk to your Human Resources staff if you need to make sure that your farewell email follows any company rules or policies. They might give specific directions or suggest a good time to send the email.

Following Up After Sending

  1. Respond to Replies: When people start replying to your farewell email, be sure to read them and let them know you got them. Thank them for their well wishes, and keep up the good work ties you have with them.
  2. Stay Connected: Use business networking sites like LinkedIn to stay in touch with your coworkers. Follow their news and accomplishments. This will help you stay in touch with people even after you leave the company.

Writing a farewell email to coworkers is more than just a courtesy; it’s a best practice in most industries. This small act not only shows that you care but also helps you keep important ties. By using the templates and following the steps in this post, you'll be able to write a professional and heartfelt farewell email that makes a lasting impact on your coworkers and the company.

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