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Email Marketing

27 posts from Email Marketing
crm in email marketing
June 22, 2024 in Email Marketing

Understanding CRM in Email Marketing - EmailGum

Building and maintaining customer relationships is very important for email marketing success. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in email marketing is very important to this process because it is a great way to connect with customers and gain their trust. Your email marketing campaign will be more successful if you know...

delete option window interface
May 31, 2024 in Email

What Happens When Email is Deleted and How to Restore It - EmailGum

Have you ever considered what happens to your email when you press the backspace key? Email deletion involves multiple processes most of us don't know about. Understanding how "backspace" works can help us learn about emails, data security, and privacy. Explore where "backspace" sends...

The Best Way to Put P.S in an Email - EmailGum
May 29, 2024 in Email

The Best Way to Put P.S in an Email - EmailGum

There are little things that can make a big difference in email conversation. One of these details is where to put the "P.S." (postscript) at the end of an email. Even though "P.S." is typically overlooked, its placement can affect how your message is...

email front page interface concept
May 28, 2024 in Email

How to Open a New Email Account and Keep it Safe - EmailGum

An email account is necessary to stay in touch, communicate, and connect in this modern world. Opening an email account is the first step to communicating online, whether you're an entrepreneur or trying to remain in touch with friends and family. This blog post will help you choose...

spam and email spam
May 26, 2024 in Email

What Is Spam Email and How To Avoid It - EmailGum

Spam is a word that has come to mean emails you don't want or are annoying. The word's history is strange and starts with an unlikely source. Email has made "spam" mean unwanted messages that fill our inboxes and annoy us. But why does...

gmail spam page
May 25, 2024 in Email

Why Does My Business Email Go to Spam - EmailGum

Do you find it annoying that your well-written business emails end up in people's spam folders instead of their inboxes? Emails being marked as spam is a problem that many businesses have to deal with in this digital age. Knowing why and how to stop this can improve...

Spotlight Email Marketing