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7 posts from Security See another: Email, Email Marketing, Gmail
How to Find Information About An Email Account - EmailGum
June 1, 2024 in Email

How to Find Information About An Email Account - EmailGum

As we live in a digital world, email addresses are necessary for all interactions, from work to personal ones. You use an email address, but have you ever considered who owns it? You should check the owner of an email address for many reasons, like making sure the person writing...

How To Recover an Email Address and Manage It - EmailGum
May 30, 2024 in Email Recovery

How To Recover an Email Address and Manage It - EmailGum

In this digital world, email addresses are an important part of who we are online. A valid email address is necessary for many reasons, such as contact, work, and signing up for services. It can be challenging to remember our email addresses because we use so many platforms and devices...

spam and email spam
May 26, 2024 in Email

What Is Spam Email and How To Avoid It - EmailGum

Spam is a word that has come to mean emails you don't want or are annoying. The word's history is strange and starts with an unlikely source. Email has made "spam" mean unwanted messages that fill our inboxes and annoy us. But why does...

login page
May 19, 2024 in Email

How to Make a Fake Email Address - EmailGum

In this digital age, security and anonymity online are becoming more and more important. A fake email account might help you avoid spam, sign up for a website, or protect your personal information. But just how do you go about making one? We'll discuss everything from choosing an...

replying email
April 16, 2024 in Email

The Truth About Email Disclaimers: Legal Force Field? - EmailGum

People and companies use email a lot these days to stay in touch in this fast-paced digital world. Because of their daily email usage, many consumers and businesses use email disclaimers to avoid legal issues. What about the question we raised before? Are threats in emails legally binding? This blog...

writing privacy policy with typewriter
April 3, 2024 in GDPR

GDPR & Email Marketing: What You Need to Know - EmailGum

Protecting personal information has become very important in this digital age where emails are a normal way of communicating. Businesses must follow strict rules about how to handle personal information now that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in place. What about email names, though? Are they protected by...

Spotlight Email